Lancs Networks Accompanies Thanh Hoa Technology Exhibition: Breakthrough Solutions for the Information Technology Industry

From October 18 to October 19, dozens of enterprises, agencies, and experts in the information technology industry gathered at the Exhibition of Digital Transformation Products, Solutions, and Models for the development of the information technology industry.

The exhibition is a significant event within the framework of the conference “Connecting Supply and Demand for IT Products and Services to Serve the Development of Digital Government, Digital Economy, and Digital Society in the Central Region.” Its mission is to enhance the management, operation, and production optimization capabilities of enterprises nationwide in general and in Thanh Hoa province in particular. The event brings together businesses to introduce and access new technological solutions, exchange ideas, and learn from leading experts in the information technology industry. It also presents a significant opportunity for agencies and enterprises to grasp developing technology trends, thereby identifying suitable development pathways and methods.

Delegates visit the display booths of Lancs Networks and PTIT

Within the framework of this event, Lancs Networks, in collaboration with the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), displayed leading cybersecurity and information security solutions while also introducing the LINKSAFE network solution, which will be launched soon. LINKSAFE is an optimal solution that ensures user safety when accessing the network anytime, anywhere, providing comprehensive protection for critical data and information during network access and use.

At the Thanh Hoa Technology Exhibition, Lancs Networks had the opportunity to bring its technological solutions closer to the provincial departments and businesses in Thanh Hoa. Lancs Networks hopes that in the near future, this will lead to many potential collaborations, contributing to the development and application of information technology throughout the province.

Some images from the exhibition:

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